Minors in Labs

Guidelines for non-student minors working in University of Utah Research Laboratories. Note: These guidelines are not intended for minors that...

Hepatitis B Vaccinations

The OSHA Bloodborne Standard applies to all employers (Principal Investigators and Supervisors) and employees that may have an exposure to...

Pollution Prevention Storm Water

July 1, 2016 TO: University of Utah Community FR: Ms. Martha D. Shaub, CEM Managing Director Occupational and Environmental Health...

Smoking/Indoor Clean Air Act

July 1, 2016 TO: University of Utah Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Supervisors FR: Ms. Martha D. Shaub Managing Director...

Severe Weather(Events)

Lightning is a frequent weather hazard impacting outdoor events in Utah…. Concerts, picnics and barbeques, outdoor sports, etc., have the...

Stormwater Management Program

The University of Utah is a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) with a discharge permit that was issued...

Open Flame and Candles

Lighting devices such as tiki lamps, oil lamps, torches, etc., are absolutely prohibited in University of Utah facilities. The use...


Purpose To ensure consistency in purchasing, placement, training, maintenance, and departmental oversight of AEDs on University of Utah properties. Scope...

Lab Safety Program Summary Sheet

Regulations governing Laboratory Safety at the University of Utah: 1. 29 CFR 1910.1450 Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories...

Bedbugs: University Property

Bed bugs (Photo 1) have been common in U.S. history. Although bed bug populations dropped dramatically during the mid-20th century,...

Evacuation Chairs

Emergency evacuation chairs are fold-up chairs which allow for people with permanent or temporary mobility limitations to be moved down...